Otostephanos sp.2 cf regalis; dorsal view, whirling. Specimen without ligula in sulcus (1) |
Otostephanos regalis; left: frontal view of whirling specimen. Focus plane on the trochal sics and the"heart-shaped" rostrum. Sulcus without ligula (1) |
Otostephanos regalis; lateral view of the head region. Focus plane is in the center of the longitudinal body axis. The arrowhead points to the upper lip which is shown in cross section here. (1) |
Otostephanos regalis, img. 127b; lateral view of the head region. Optical longitudinal section of the "ring" around the right trochal columns showing that the rings are hollow. (1) |
Otostephanos regalis, focus plane on the granulated integument. (1) |
Otostephanos regalis, left: crop of the above image; right image: spurs (1) |
Otostephanos regalis, trophi with dental formula 6/6. (1) |
Otostephanos regalis; another specimen from (3); focal plane on the granulated integument. The 3rd neck pseudosegment, however, is covered with bacteria (arrows). |
Location: Gloer water-reservoir, EN-district, dam-wall (1). |
Habitat: dry moss on concrete, high sun exposition (1) |
Date: 14.10.2013 (1) |